4by4Week Two 15 September – 18 September 2010
Ian Whittlesea is participating, with Gary O'Connor and Daniel Rapley, in the exhibition
4by4 – Week Two, curated by Dermot O'Brien.
16 Hewett Street
London EC2A 3NN
Dermot O'Brien curated this text and writing based exhibition where work has been created that explores the uses of typography and the written form.
Ian Whittlesea will be presenting the typeface Sol Sans, that unlike most typefaces can only do one job perfectly, allowing anyone to re-write Sol LeWitt's Sentences on Conceptual Art. Any letters and numbers not used in LeWitt's original text have been replaced by the typeface Helvetica Medium.
Ian Whittlesea – Sentence 21, in Sol Sans all-caps version (detail)
vinyl text on wall, 2010
Ian Whittlesea – Font Sol Sans, 2009 / 2010
Daniel Rapley – Authorised, 2010
ink on ruled A4 paper
Daniel Rapley – I Did Not Want To Make This Drawing 10 Times But I Did Anyway, 2010
pencil on paper (framed, 10 x)
Gary O'Connor (with Robin Taylor) – Set Fire to the Things You Love, 2010