Monday, 16 November 2009

Small Publishers Fair London 2009

This years Small Publishers Fair in Conway Hall, Red Lion Square, London, was busier then ever. More participants and a large crowd of visitors. We had a nice time with many old friends and new visitors at my stall. We stayed with William Allen in London, who also had a table next to us, selling rare publications of Ian Hamilton Finlay, Richard Long and Fluxus material. Among the visitors were Ian Whittlesea, Tom Benson, Susan Krejzl, Philip Lumai, Harry Gilonis and Gladstone Thompson. Carol Robertson and Trevor Sutton came over and took us to dinner.
Andrew Ray bought a copy of Algonquin by Chris Drury and wrote a post about it on his blog Some Landscapes (he also wrote about The Hundred Thousand Places by Thomas A Clark in another recent post).
Laurie Clark had quite a few new publications of Moschatel Press, like an Orkney print and t-shirt, an enamel piece and the recent book of Thomas A Clark – The Hundred Thousand Places and A Model of Order, selected letters by Ian Hamilton Finlay (see my earlier posts about these publications).
Coracle was showing the recent publications Dirt by Les Coleman and a beautiful enamel Rosemary by Erica Van Horn. Colin Sackett had a new book by Janet Boulton: The Early Toys of Ian Hamilton Finlay and English Coloured Papers by Simon Cutts and Colin Sackett.

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