Judo is, in fact, the discovery by the human body of a spiritual space.
Yves Klein, May 1958
Yves Klein – The Foundations of Judo
First English edition of the translation of Les Fondements du Judo by Yves Klein (originally published in Paris, 1954)published by The Everyday Press, London in 2009
translated and typeset by Ian Whittlesea
softcover, 224 pages, 14 x 22,5 cm, numerous illustrations in b/w
price £ 16
ISBN 978–0–9561738–0–5
see also previous posts (label ian whittlesea):
Furnished Space – London, 17 June
Judo at USB Openings, Tate Modern, 17 May
The Foundations of Judo by Yves Klein, 21 February