Alan Charlton – Triangle Paintings 25 July – 19 September 2015 Galerie Tschudi Chesa Madalena Somvih 115 7524 Zuoz Switzerland In the same period there will be an exhibition Balthasar Burkhard– Fotografien und ein Film and Dan Walsh – Works on Paper
On the occasion of the exhibition Ian Hamilton Finlay – 1789 / 1794 at Victoria Miro, London, 10 June – 31 July 2015 there are two catalogues published by Victoria Miro & Wild Hawthorne Press. The publication Air Letters has an essay by Thomas A Clark and photographs by Robin Gillanders. The publication 1789 / 1794 is a catalogue of the works in the exhibitions curated by Pia Maria Simig, with commentaries by Stephen Bann. The two publications have an edition of 400 copies and, kept together with a red string, are as one catalogue available at Victoria Miro Ian Hamilton Finlay – 1789 1794 10 June – 31 July 2015 Victoria Miro Gallery I 16 Wharf Road London N1 7RW
In April 2013 I visited St. Benedictusberg Abbey in Lemiers, Vaals, The Netherlands. This abbey was designed by the monk and architect Dom Hans van der Laan during the years 1956/1986. The photograph of the interior of the abbey, which I took during that visit, is published in the book William Hall – BRICK. William Hall – BRICK 29,5 x 26 cm, 224 pages published in 2015 by Phaidon, London, New York isbn 9780714868813 more info about Dom Hans van der Laan: