Trevor Sutton is taking part in the group show Contemporary British Abstraction 28 February – 11 April 2015 The SE9 Container Gallery St Thomas More Catholic School Footscray Road, Eltham London SE9 2US
Uniformagazine No. 2 Winter – Spring 2015, published by Colin Sackett's Uniformbooks is out now and available for £ 4 at: contents: David Matless Thurne: Squint Stephen Duncalf A Tips Alphabet Ronald Johnson The Green Man Steve Roden Beginning and ending with trains on a table Theo Simpson Transmitter Masts Angus Carlyle & Chiara Caterina Field Signals @CaptialNY CapitalNY @Unpublishedwork In House Publishing Colin Sackett Bridge/Tunnel
Peter Liversidge – 3 Postal Objects, posted from Aspen, Colorado, USA (top) and London, UK. Received in the post on 21, 30 and 31 Januari 2015 (from top to bottom)
Peter Liversidge – EVERYTHING IS CONNECTED embossed dollar note, edition published at the occasion of the exhibition Classless Society at The Frances Young Tang Teaching Museum, Saragota Springs, NY, 2013/2014
Richard Long – The Spike Island Tapes 20 February – 2 April 2015 Alan Christea Gallery 31 & 34 Cork Street London W1S 3NU a new series of 17 large carborundum prints made at Spike Island, Bristol image invitation card Richard Long – Fingers on Fire, 2014 A two panel carborundum relief printed in Crimson Red ink on Moulin du Gue 350 gsm paper, painted in a Cadmium Yellow acrylic wash, overall size 248,5 x 242,5 cm, edition of 7