as part of the exhibition Taking Place at the temporary reopened Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam, is the reading of One Million Years by On Kawara.
Taking Place
28 August 2010 – 9 January 2011
The Temporary Stedelijk at the Stedelijk Museum
Paulus Potterstraat 13
1071 CX Amsterdam
This work by On Kawara is a 20-volume collection in 2 parts:
One Million Years [Past], ('For all those who have lived and died'), 1969; years 998.031 BC through 1969 AD
One Million Years [Future], ('For the last one'), 1981; years 1996 AD to 1.001.995 AD
together these 2 parts, each published in an edition of 12 copies, make up 2.000.000 years
Peter Foolen is reading one hour of One Million Years by On Kawara, reading the uneven years 157.531 AD until 158.025 AD from the Future, 7 October 2010, Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam