Last Thursday, 18 February, was the opening of Dialogue d'exiles – Chohreh Feyzdjou & Pierre Matthey at Musée de Picardie in Amiens, France (see my post of 11 January). The museum is renovated, not yet completed, and the 'rotonde' with the Wall Drawing # 711 by Sol LeWitt from 1992 is very beautiful restaured.In the centre of the main room, with the collection of old Master Portraits on the walls, the work Sans titre / Untitled, 1995 by Chohreh Feyzdjou is installed, a large work of 20 square metres, consisting of 21 ammunition boxes covered with a camouflage net. In the basement floor, where the archeological collection is on display, there is a space with an installation of the Products of Chohreh Feyzdjou.
It was great to see on the opening old friends of Chohreh again, the photographer Dennis Bouchard, Pennina Barnett, Ralf Seidel and Danielle Cuppens.
On occasion of this exhibition there will also be a presentation of the work of Chohreh Feyzdjou at:
le centre culturel Le Safran
3, Rue Georges Guynemer
80080 Amiens
5 March – 25 April 2010
opening 5 March, 6pm
Musée de Picardie, Amiens, photo PF, 18 February 2010
invitation card Chohreh Feyzdjou, Le Safran, Amiens